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Reflections on my readings

It’s just one life that we try to live to the full. But ask a book lover and you will know that we live not only our own lives but countless others through the pages of a book. The most captivating stories are those where we embark on the journey alongside the protagonists, feeling as though we're seated just behind them, privy to their conversations. And when the journey concludes, with the destination in sight, we're left with a poignant ache in our hearts, a profound sense of loss. We yearn for the story to continue, for our connection with the characters to endure just a little longer.


Therefore, I found it imperative to document my thoughts, emotions, and experiences evoked by reading a book. This allows me the opportunity to revisit and cherish the myriad lives I've lived alongside the protagonists of these remarkable stories.


However, let me clarify, these are not book reviews. They are simply my reflections—an endeavor to articulate the varied emotions stirred within me while delving into the pages of a book. I hope you find them engaging and valuable.

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